XIX Programming Style and Standards

XIX.1: Should the underscore be used in variable names?

XIX.2: Can a variable's name be used to indicate its data type?

XIX.3: Does the use of comments affect program speed, executable size, or efficiency?

XIX.4: Does the use of white space affect program speed, executable size, or efficiency?

XIX.5: What is camel notation?

XIX.6: Do longer variable names affect the speed, executable size, or efficiency of a program?

XIX.7: What is the correct way to name a function?

XIX.8: What is the correct way to use braces?

XIX.9: How many letters long should variable names be? What is the ANSI standard for significance?

XIX.10: What is Hungarian notation, and should I use it?

XIX.11: What is iterative processing?

XIX.12: What is recursion, and how do you use it?

XIX.13: What is the best way to represent true and false in C?

XIX.14: What is the difference between a null loop and an infinite loop?

XIX.15: What is the difference between continue and break?

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